Wednesday, May 9, 2012

New Project

I've gotten together with a few friends recently to attempt creating a mod for Mount & Blade: Warband. Not only will this be fun, but it will be a perfect opportunity to learn Python, as well as get more practice with creating meshes and textures. More information below the break.

Our little group has decided to attempt creating a mod based heavily on the universe of Homestuck. At the moment, we don't have a lot of solid work done, and we are still working out the finer details of the concept. However, we do have something to show off: banners!

These aren't particularly hard to make. I essentially copied the aspect symbols, stole the background color from the god tier costumes, and set the opacity to 75% against a base banner for the ripple effect. Editing Gimp to work with the .dds file format was too much of a hassle for me, so I'm simply going to make the banners separately in Gimp, open the banner .dds files with and paste the banners into it. It's less convenient than working entirely in Gimp, but it works well enough and running two image editing software at once isn't exactly taxing on my computer.

Now that I have a actual, full-fledged project to work on, this blog should see more frequent updates.

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